Team Free’s Looking for Insightful Agents!

Team Free, as the pioneer in remote collaboration tools, is committed to bringing success to our agents.
With our all-in-one video conferencing system, we strive to promise long-term returns for you.
Join us to carve out the niche market.


Unlock the Future of Video Conferencing

Empower Businesses with Affordable and Superior Quality Video Solutions

Market Outlook

Seamless remote communication is now within reach! Quality video calls demand high-definition visuals, crystal-clear sound, and effortless information sharing. Now, there’s no need to settle for expensive and demanding solutions anymore. At Team Free, our mission is to empower businesses with affordable and superior options, enabling everyone to enjoy top-tier video conferencing in the most cost-effective way. Our cutting-edge technology delivers exceptional visuals, immersive sound, and seamless data sharing. Join us and discover affordable excellence in video conferencing. Contact us today!

Seize the Massive Market

Don’t miss your chance to be a pioneer in this massive market. Contact us today to harness the power of new categories.

VC Product
Professional VC System(VC host+AV peripherals)
Software VC(Phone/PC)
Team Free all in one(Integrated)
Installation & Maintenance
Sound Quality
Professional Level
Normal Level
Professional Level
Video Quality
Suitable Scenes
Large and medium conference room
Small and medium meeting rooms,offices,
families, etc.
External Dependencies
Display dependent, require TV, projector or LED screen
Universal equipment for mobile phones and PCs
Display dependent, need TV, projector or LED screen
Dual Stream
Wired Dual Steam (PC, other camera, etc)
Dual stream just with PC
Wired and  Wireless Dual Stream (Phone、Pad PC、other Camera,etc)
Dual Mode
Just Host Mode
Host mode (Dual Stream) and USB mode
(Can be adapted to conference software like Zoom, Skype, etc.)
Thousands of dollars and above
Most of them are free, but the commercial version costs hundreds of dollars a year
Various package prices All under $700

What We Can Guarantee

With lucrative revenue opportunities and unwavering channel support, Team Free empowers partners to succeed.


Head Office

Apollo Future Industry City
M62M+HVF, Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, 518115


Become a Partner

Are you ready to strategically grow your business? Partner with us to increase your revenue opportunities, upscale your service offerings, and attract premium customers.